
Modern Vista Valley Country Club Wedding | San Diego Wedding Photographer

Modern Vista Valley Country Club Wedding | San Diego Wedding Photographer

Their warm wedding colors matched with the perfect sunny weather and sand-colored stone really made it feel like a destination wedding in Tuscany, Spain, or France. To say it was magical is an understatement.

Tips & Tricks For an Epic Sand Dunes Engagement Session

Tips & Tricks For an Epic Sand Dunes Engagement Session

Photos in the Sand Dunes? Here are some tips for achieving the best photos!

Here’s what to wear, what to bring, when to take photos, and more!

Dancer Engagement Session under an Icelandic Waterfall

Dancer Engagement Session under an Icelandic Waterfall

On an uncommonly sunny day in Icelandic spring, the sun rose bright and early…around 2:30am. Just as the sun peeked over the volcanic rock, Yana and Mario shared a kiss after 5 years of marriage. I always love anniversary sessions, and this one sure did deliver. It was a quick session since they both had to work back in Reykjavik, which was a few hours away. They are professional dancers and dance coaches! So of course, they had to show me a few of their moves during their session (and I photographed it cuz duh). Also, can we just talk about their outfits for a sec? They put the FIRE in the land of ice and fire.

Colorado Castle Wedding after a Summer Storm

Colorado Castle Wedding after a Summer Storm

The Colorado storm like clockwork started 10 minutes before the ceremony, and ended right in time to wipe down the chairs and still start the ceremony on time. The rain left beautiful, dramatic clouds and a few rainbows. The rain was quite a blessing. It left the air nice and cool and made taking photos ridiculously beautiful.

Summer Session in the German Alps

Summer Session in the German Alps

Up in the Bavarian Alps, there’s a little 50s-style cable car that takes you to the top of a mountain, overlooking valleys and the rest of the German Alps (oh, and a casual castle down below).