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Ladies… photos are fun. Most of us love to get dressed up and feel ourselves. We love looking like Beyonce, amiright? Photos are usually something that we want, especially with our boo thang. However, we know it can be a huge pain to try to get him to do it, much less be natural and happy about it.

So here’s how to help him get stoked for your engagement session.

Keep him involved in hiring a photographer

Whether you hire me or not, make sure he has a say in who you hire. The difference between bright&airy vs dark&moody might not matter to him, but PERSONALITY does. Really check out people’s sites/social media. Can you tell who they really are? If you can’t get a good grasp on that from what’s on the internet, STAY AWAY!

Find someone that you both feel like you are gonna get along with. Remember, an engagement session is a trial run to see if you both like the photographer enough to hire them for your wedding, so feel free to be picky! You’re gonna be spending a lot of time with them — make sure you’ll both be comfy.

He wants to look good, too.

Engagement sessions are the perfect time to spruce up your wardrobe. We know you’re gonna go online shopping for the perfect dress and casual outfit changes, so why not have him shop around too! If he wants new shoes, get them! Tip: whatever is comfy is probably a good choice.

It’s important for both of you to coordinate with colors and styles, but he wants to feel like this is equally about him too. Find things that will look good together, but also match his style so he doesn’t feel like he’s wearing another man’s clothes. Show him some inspiration you have and see what he likes. Then, go from there!

Check out some outfit coordination inspiration here. For ethical, sustainable fashion choices, see recommendations here.

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Make it a date

For my couples, I make sure they know that this is really just a date for them. I don’t want to make them someone they’re not. I just want to photograph them being themselves, with a little help to bring out their true colors.

So, show him that this is just another date, except with a third wheel who is yelling at them to make out.

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Feed that boy

Afterwards, have a picnic, sit under the stars, or go out to dinner to give him something more to look forward to. Also, please make sure you both are hydrated and fed before your session, or it ain’t gonna be fun.

Go somewhere he loves

You might love the beach, but if your fiance hates getting sand in between his toes, then maybe there’s something better out there for you. If rock climbing is his jam, why not go out to Joshua Tree and have him take a rock climbing break! If he loves camping in Yosemite, let’s freaking go!!!

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Shots, shots, shots! (cue Lil Jon)

Get him a lil— tipsy. Haha! Just kidding. If you don’t drink, that’s totally cool! But if you like to, then I recommend. I’ve had quite a few couples come to their session, pop open a cold one or take a shot right before their session. It gets them loose and forgetting that there’s some stranger behind a camera! Just make sure you Uber home or tell him you’ll drive if you’re remaining sober.

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Include his car

Not all guys are into cars, but if he loves his car, van, truck, motorcyle, or moped, let’s incorporate it into your shoot! It’s all about making it as personal as possible. Ask your photographer and I’m sure they will think of some incredible ideas for your shoot! My favorite thing is photos of you cuddling inside and lounging on the roof.

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Think of an activity

Depending on the location and outfit restrictions, I’ll think of some things for you guys to do to have fun. Examples: piggy back rides, hammocking, popping champagne, snowball fights, cartwheel contest, running, playing tag, splashing in the water, etc! But if you know of something he might like to do, let me know! Anything to keep him active and having fun.

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Have him make a playlist

I always play music at my sessions. It makes for more fun, comfortability, and ease for both of you. Ask him to make a playlist of songs that he loves and feels comfortable making out to (and preferably can be played in public) so he is maximum jammin!

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you’re gonna try or if you thought of anything new!

If you want me to shoot your engagement session, then comment below to inquire!

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How to get your fiancé excited about engagement photos

November 27, 2019