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Tara is an incredible woman with ambition and passion for child developmental studies.

Her niece had a huge impact on her education and really inspired her to go to a fantastic school: Point Loma Nazarene University. Tara wanted to incorporate some shots with her niece where they’re reading together. I thought it was the sweetest and most sentimental idea!

She’s been working with kids for over 10 years through her own businesses, and now equipped with her new Child Development degree, her goal is open up her own learning center where kids can just be kids.

She says most education for toddlers is all about getting ahead for school, but it puts a burden on kids, and they’re not getting the creative play stimulus they desperately need. And especially since art is usually the first things to get cut with public school budgets, she wants to focus on a space where kids can be messy, create art, and not have their parents worry.

She says “most parents don’t like to keep things like glitter glue and paint around the house because it’s messy. Well, I want to give them a space to be as messy and creative as they want, so they can learn and grow their brains.”

Her ambition and goals are inspirational, and it was a blast getting to photograph her doing in her element.

Inspirational PLNU Grad Session | San Diego Senior Portrait Photographer

July 22, 2021