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Seljalandsfoss & Gljufrabui Waterfalls near Vik, Southern Iceland

On an uncommonly sunny day in Icelandic spring, the sun rose bright and early…around 2:30am. Just as the sun peeked over the volcanic rock, Yana and Mario shared a kiss after 5 years of marriage. I always love anniversary sessions, and this one sure did deliver. It was a quick session since they both had to work back in Reykjavik, which was a few hours away. They are professional dancers and dance coaches! So of course, they had to show me a few of their moves during their session (and I photographed it cuz duh). Also, can we just talk about their outfits for a sec? They put the FIRE in the land of ice and fire.

Yana and Mario are Polish and Ukrainian. They met in Poland and decided to move to Iceland after a visit that made them fall completely in love with the nature and relaxed lifestyle here.

While I was in Iceland, I only met a few people who were actually Icelandic! And when I say Icelandic, I mean that they are 100% pure Icelandic (ahem. Vikings). Genetics run closely here, but since there have been so many tourists lately, lots of people from all over the world are planting their roots here. I met people from Martinique, Moldova, Spain, Argentina, California, and even more places that I can’t currently remember. It was so cool to see this mush pot of cultures coming together over such beauty.

Dancer Engagement Session under an Icelandic Waterfall

September 10, 2019